Microcontroller Machine Learning

Speech Emotion Recognition

Photo by Gleb Kuznetsov on Dribbble Recognizing Human Emotions is a complex task and it not only requires the understanding of the words or the sentences but also facial expressions, body languages, tone of the speaker, etc. That is why to correctly understand what the speaker is trying to convey or to understand their emotions it …

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Driver Drowsiness Detection using CNN

Photo by Isaac on Dribbble Drowsy Driving is a deadly combination of driving and sleepiness. The number of road accidents due to Drowsy Driving is increasing at an alarming rate worldwide. Not having a proper sleep is the main reason behind drowsiness while driving. However, other reasons like sleep disorders, medication, alcohol consumption, or driving during …

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Alzheimer Detection Using CNN

Photo by Killian López on Dribbble Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative condition in which dementia symptoms grow over time. Memory loss is minimal in the early stages of Alzheimer’s, but people with late-stage Alzheimer’s lose their capacity to converse and respond to their surroundings. There are 7 different stages of Alzheimer: Stage 1: Normal Outward Behavior. …

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Fruits Classification using Deep Learning

Photo by Dragonlady on Dribbble Task In this project, we will be classifying a fruit and displaying its name as output from the given photo of the fruit as input. Dataset- https://www.kaggle.com/sshikamaru/fruit-recognition The dataset consists of 33 selected different kinds of fruits. Each folder is named after a fruit and contains over 400 images of that …

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Cervical Cancer Detection

Photo by Sharon Lee for LottieFiles on Dribbble Cervical cancer is a form of cancer that is found in the cells of the cervix. Upon early detection of the same, this type of cancer can be cured or its effect can be reduced up to a great extent. The first and foremost step is to look …

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Detect Colour of Grape Leaf

Photo by Slava Romanov on Dribbble Grapevines, indeed have a spectacular fall colour season. The colours of these leaves change because of several reasons such as a change in length of daylight and change in temperature, the leaves stop their food-making process. As the chlorophyll breaks down, the green colour disappears and yellow-red colours become visible …

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